text - software art related > aesthetics of software art seven projects in this subcategory
The Aesthetics of Generative Code by Geoff Cox, Alex McLean, Adrian Ward Abstract:
Aesthetics, in general usage, lays an emphasis on subjective sense perception associated with the broad field of art and human creativity. Drawing particularly on Jonathan Rée's I See a Voice: A Philosophical History (1999), this paper suggests that it might be useful to revisit the troubled relationship between art and aesthetics for the purpose of discussing the value of generative [...]
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Super-Abstract: Software Art and a Redefinition of Abstraction by Brad Borevitz This essay regards software art practices from the point of view of visual art tradition, namely abstract art. It was written for Read_Me Software Art and Cultures conference and is published in read_me Software Art & Cultures Edition 2004.
Author: "Abstraction is one prevalent tendency in software art. [...]
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An Exploration of the Visual Mind of the Software Artist by Ewan Steel This essay was written for Read_Me Software Art and Cultures conference and is published in read_me Software Art & Cultures Edition 2004 .
Author: Digital technologies have changed profoundly the ways in which the artist can develop a visual language. [...]
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{Software} Structures by Casey Reas Author: This is an essay and project about the relation of conceptual art to software art focusing on the work of Sol LeWitt and my own work derivative of his process.
The essay is illustrated with a series of software examples - original works produced during the research.
The text is published in read_me Software Art & Cultures Edition 2004. [...]
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Coding Praxis: Reconsidering the Aesthetics of Code by Geoff Cox, Alex McLean, Adrian Ward Authors: An earlier collaborative paper The Aesthetics of Generative Code (2001) drew an analogy with poetry as a form that requires both reading and live spoken performance. Like poetry, it is clear that code can have aesthetic value both in its written form and in its execution. The paper argued that any separation of code and the resultant actions would simply limit the aesthetic experience [...]
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Code Art Brutalism: Low-Level Systems and Simple Programs by Simon Yuill Author: An exploration of the aesthetics of low-level coding, such as raw binary, assembler, and greycode, as well as microcontroller-based projects. It discusss works by Artem Baguinski, ap, slub, slateford, some PIC projects and chip customization. The aesthetic intentions and outcomes of the Brutalist movement in 20th Century architecture are drawn on as an historical reference point against [...]
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Towards a Permanently Temporary Software Art Factory by Javier Candeira Full title: Towards a Permanently Temporary Software Art Factory
(Notes for the Sustainability of Software Artifacts)
Packaging and distribution of free software art is the main focus and wish of this article.
It was comissioned by the software art factory Readme 100 in Dortmund 2005 and is included into the resulting publication: Readme 100 [...]
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